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Earth Shaking Obedience

Worth The Risk

We do family worship before bed with our kids. It usually consists of a bible story, prayer, and lately, we’ve added a “kid’s first catechism” book to our routine. But before you get a serine picture in your mind of what our time looks like I’ll fill you in that there’s also a lot of wiggling, sometimes kicking, and occasional crying. It’s what you’d imagine doing a family worship time with a 5 and 1-year-old looks like. The first question of the catechism is, “Who made you?” Which they answer back, “God.” Or if you are our 1-year-old, “Gog.” (Insert laughing face emoji) Then we ask, “How can you glorify God?” and they answer, “By loving and obeying him.”

I love this. We know that the chief end of man according to the Westminster catechism is to glorify God and enjoy him forever. So as Christian women, I’m going to go out on a limb here and say that is the aim of your life as well. Loving obedience and enjoyment of God our Father. The loving and enjoyment part tends to come easily, most the time for us. For we were saved from the wrath of God, washed clean by the blood of the lamb, given Christ’s imputed righteousness, filled with his spirit. If the atonement doesn’t produce love and thankfulness in you I would beg you to look at it again.

It’s the obeying part that is trickier for us, am I right? As Christians, we are now what 2 Corinthians 5: 17 calls a new creation, but until we are in heaven, we will struggle. Fighting against our flesh and our Enemy, the same war that began in the garden will continue. Struggling with all His might to become more like Christ.

But how do we know we are obeying him?

“How does a young man keep his way pure by living according to your word.” Psalm 119:9

We are living in a society that has lost its moral compass. If we ever were to look for reassurance on a less than Christ-like action, we wouldn’t have to go far to find a pat on the back and an encouragement on “your truth.” As Christian women, we are swimming upstream. If we are to obey God we must be women of his word. We must recognize that “our truth” no longer exists. Anything apart from THE TRUTH is a venomous lie that will lead us away from the Giver of truth. May our gaze be fixed on his face and his words stamped in our heart. This year, the ladies at Christ Church, as well as many of the men, are taking part in the Bible reading challenge. (Which I will plug here for any who would like to hop on the challenge. It can be found of YouVersion as well as many other Bible reading platforms. #keepthefeast) It is an ambitious challenge. We will read through the whole Bible Sept.-May and repeat the new testament in the Summer. This is my second year doing it and it has been so good for me. God gave us his very words to live by. We don’t have to count on a subjective feeling to obey. We have objective words. May we be women that live by them, hiding them in her heart, knowing our king so clearly because we have read his words and we live by them.

“For the word of God is living and active, sharper than any who-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart. And no creature is hidden from his sight, but all are naked and exposed to the eyes of him to whom we must give account.” Hebrews 4:12

Another amazing thing happens when we devour his word daily. We are fed, and we are changed! His word convicts us! We are exposed before him and like a two-edged sword, his Word pierces our soul. His Word lays open the intentions of our heart before him and opens our eyes, shakes off the scales. We behold the beauty before us, and we no longer desire lesser things. We want to obey our Father! So my prayer this morning for us is this, God make us women of your word. May we align our thoughts, feelings, desires, and lives to your word. May we obey our king and change the world- Amen.

Jordan Sparks is a Christian woman, pastor’s wife, mother of two strapping young men, and designer of creative goods. She lives in Carbondale, IL where she is a member Christ Church. Some of her writings can be found at For the Church as well as the children’s book The Dream Lagoon. She also ministers to women at a regular bible study gathering and is the co-host of the Fruitful and Fearless Podcast.

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